Master of Divinity in Youth Ministry
A program to help train those who are already involved or wanted to be involved in ministry to the youth.
First Year
First Quarter | Units | Second Quarter | Units | Third Quarter | Units |
Hermeneutics | 3 | Basic Counseling | 3 | Creative Teaching Methods | 3 |
Old Testament I | 3 | Homiletics | 3 | Old Testament III | 3 |
Research Methods | 3 | Old Testament II | 3 | Preaching Practicum I | 3 |
Campus Outreach | 3 | Contemporary Youth Mission | 3 | Discipleship in Youth Ministry | 3 |
Field Education | 1 | Field Education | 1 | Field Education | 1 |
Summer Practicum | 3 |
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Hermeneutics – 3 Units
A study of the principles and methods of biblical interpretation. Particular emphasis is given to the development of skills in interpreting the various types of literary genres found in the Bible and applying the Scriptures in daily life and in the Christian ministries of preaching and teaching.
Old Testament I: Torah – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of Torah the Hebrew Bible (Genesis trough Deuteronomy), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, literary structure, and key theological themes
Research Methods – 3 Units
A study of key concepts and procedures of basic research with special attention to the preparation and writing of a research paper applicable to biblical, theological, education, counseling, and intercultural studies.
Campus Outreach – 3 Units
Starting a campus ministry from “scratch” will be the primary focus of this course. Special attention will be given to evangelizing students, working with school officials and legal issues.
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Basic Counseling – 3 Units
Homiletics – 3 Units
A study of the principles and process involved in the preparation of expositional and other varieties of sermons. This include proper extraction of the central idea from an exegetical study of the text and moving from the central idea to sermon outline.
Old Testament II: Former and Latter Prophets – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of the Former and Latter Prophets of the Hebrew Bible (Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Hosea), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, literary structure, and key theological themes. The office and work of the prophet is also briefly examined.
Contemporary Youth Mission – 3 Units
An overview of evangelizing adolescents as a distinct people group in a cross-culture environment. Special attention is given to equipping nationals and to programming exposure trips and internships overseas.
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Creative Teaching Methods – 3 Units
A Study of various creative methods in Christian educational ministries in non-formal and formal settings.
Old Testament III: Poetic Books – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of the Writings of the Hebrew Bible (Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra – Nehemiah, 1 – 2 Chronicles), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical context, literary structure, and key theological themes.
Preaching Practicum I – 3 Units
Application of homiletical principles and actual preaching of selected texts from the New Testament.
Discipleship in Youth Ministry – 3 Units
Principles and methods of spiritual maturing in the context of the social, physical, and cultural youth development.
Second Year
First Quarter | Units | Second Quarter | Units | Third Quarter | Units |
New Testament I | 3 | New Testament II | 3 | New Testament III | 3 |
Pastoral Ministry I | 3 | Pastoral Ministry II | 3 | Pastoral Ministry Elective | 3 |
Preaching Practicum II | 3 | Global Mission | 3 | General Elective | 3 |
Ministry to Troubled Youth | 3 | Principles of Youth Ministry | 3 | Professional Orientations to Youth Ministry | 3 |
Field Education | 1 | Field Education | 1 | Field Education | 1 |
Summer Practicum | 3 |
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New Testament I: Gospels – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of Gospels with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.
Pastoral Ministry I/Pastor’s Spiritual Formation – 3 Units
A study of the spiritual formation of the pastor with special attention to the minister’s call, the cultivation of spiritual discipline, the pastor’s family, pastoral ethics, and spiritual leadership.
Preaching Practicum II – 3 Units
Application of homiletical principles and actual preaching of selected texts from the Old Testament.
Ministry to Troubled Youth
An examination of typical conflicts that the contemporary student confronts in his life. Special attention is given to conflict resolution in relationships and spiritual giftedness, temperament, and group process.
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New Testament II: Acts and Early Epistles – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of Acts and the early epistles with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.
Pastoral Ministry II/Pastoral Ministries – 3 Units
A study of the nature of pastoral ministry with emphasis to the role of the pastor. Attention is given to the minister’s spiritual leadership among the congregation and the minister’s various pastoral ministries such as preparation for preaching and worship, administration, home-visitation, teaching and other ministries.
Global Missions – 3 Units
A study of the history and strategy of world missions with special attention tot he “un-reached peoples” group and the challenge and task of world evangelization.
Principles of Youth Ministry – 3 Units
A brief history of the growth of student ministries, orientation to various student ministry positions, principles necessary for successful student programming, and a survey of methodology involved will be studied.
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New Testament III: Later Epistles and Revelation – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of later epistles and Revelation with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.
Pastoral Ministry III/Pastoral Counseling – 3 Units
A study of the principles and practice of various aspects of pastoral counseling and care. Special attention is given to the skills necessary for a pastoral counseling ministry and the general issues Chinese-Filipino and Filipino parishioners face today.
Professional Orientations to Youth Ministry – 3 Units
Students will focus on their call to ministry examining personal growth and commitment. Job descriptions, staff development and relationships, goal setting, time and financial management, etc., will be emphasized. Students will learn to write a professional resume.
Third Year
First Quarter | Units | Second Quarter | Units | Third Quarter | Units |
Global Christianity I | 3 | Global Christianity II | 3 | Global Christianity III | 3 |
Systematic Theology I | 3 | Systematic Theology II | 3 | Systematic Theology III | 3 |
General Elective | 3 | General Elective | 3 | Urban Mission | 3 |
Youth and Family Ministry | 3 | Youth Culture | 3 | Youth Ministry Curriculum Development | 3 |
Field Education | 1 | Field Education | 1 | Field Education | 1 |
Summer Practicum | 3 |
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Global Christian History I: Apostolic and Medieval Church History – 3 Units
A study of the history of the church from the apostolic to the medieval periods dealing with its establishment, development, theological movements, and liturgy.
Systematic Theology I: Foundation of Theology: Introduction, The Bible and God – 3 Units
This course studies the methodology and philosophy of theology, the doctrine of the Bible and God. Prolegomena is an examination of reality, truth, language, meaning, value, and source of Christian theology. Bibliology is the study of the revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity, and authority of the Bible. Theology Proper deals with the existence, nature, attributes and works of God and His relationships to His creation and creatures.
Youth and Family Ministry – 3 Units
A comprehensive examination of the adolescent in context with the family dynamic. This course will not only examine the traditional home but will also investigate the non-traditional home. Special attention will be given to providing strategies and resources to parents.
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Global Christian History II: Reformation and Modern Church History – 3 Units
A study of the history of the church covering the Reformation, Counter-reformation, modern and contemporary periods dealing with biographical, theological, and liturgical developments. Special topics include revivalism, denominationalism, missions, ecumenism, evangelism, and Pentecostal/charismatic/third wave movements.
Systematic Theology II: Anthropology, Hamartiology, Pneumatology, Angelology: Humans, Sin, The Holy Spirit and The Spirit World – 3 Units
A study of the biblical doctrines of man, sin, the Holy Spirit and the spiritual world. Anthropology deals with the origin and nature of human beings. Hamartiology deals with the origin, nature, extent, and effects of sin in creation, in human relationships to God. Pneumatology deals with person and work of the Holy Spirit with attention given to the current Pentecostal-charismatic movements. Angelology deals with the doctrines of evil, angels and demons with attention to their origin, personality, works, and views of the Filipino and Chinese spirit world.
Youth Culture – 3 Units
Basic determinants critical to adolescent culture will be evaluated and observed. Identification, integration, and application to the contemporary youth culture is emphasized. Focusing on the science of the anthropological and societal nature of the “people grouping” of the young, special attention will be given to reaching the global adolescent within the context of his or her culture.
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Global Christian History III: Historical Theological of Asian Churches – 3 Units
A study of the history and theological trends of the Asian churches, with particular focus on the Chinese and Filipino settings. The historical survey covers the early up to the modern periods. Emphasis will be given to missiological, Christological, and other contemporary issues in theology.
Systematic Theology III: Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology: Christ, Salvation, The Church and The End Times – 3 Units
A study of the biblical doctrines of Christ, salvation, the church, and end times. Christology deals with the person and work of Jesus Christ. Soteriology examines the themes of propitiation, redemption, adoption, reconciliation, atonement, election, justification, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification of the believer. Ecclesiology examines the nature, government ordinances officers, and mission of the church. Eschatology deals with the Second Coming, the resurrection, judgement, and the eternal state.
Urban Missions – 3 Units
A Study of the nature and methods of missions in the urban context with special attention to the problems, opportunities and challenges of urban evangelism and the development and implementation of a mission strategy for urban outreach. Field trips to selected places are include.
Youth Ministry Curriculum Development – 3 Units
An examination of Sunday Church youth ministries with a development of Biblical curriculum, promotion of the total student ministry, and the establishment and maintenance of a ministry team ministry. The student is taught how to write and critique curriculum, and an overall system
of youth Christian Education.
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Field Education – 1 Unit
Actual field work is an integral part of the training of students. During weekends each quarter, students are assigned to local churches in Metro Manila where they learn to minister to various age groups and develop the right outlook toward ministry. Students are supervised by resident pastors or church leaders in these local churches.
During the quarter recess or summer vacations, evangelistic and mission teams are formed and sent out to areas for exposure. Students also undergo one-month internship at different provincial churches where on-the-job training in church planting and pastoral works are provided. Other ministries include counseling in organized camps, conferences, conducting Daily Vacation Bible Schools, church planting, and teaching in training seminars.