Registration Form: BSOP AA RETREAT 2015 Registration Form The Registration Form is in Word Format so you can simply fill in the form and saved as YOUR NAME (ex. JUAN DELA CRUZ) and email back to us. Please scan
BSOP Downtown 2015-2016
Urban Missions: Reaching the Chinese-Filipinos in Metro Manila Instructor: Dr. Juliet Uytanlet Venue: St. Stephen’s Parish Date and Time: June 13 – August 22, 2015 (Saturdays, 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 NN) More and more people are living in the cities,
BSOP Special Seminar
Topic: Where Are We Chinese-Filipino Churches Heading? 菲華教會何去何從? Place: UECP 5th Floor Youth Hub Date: February 14, 2015 Time: 8:30am to 12nn Speakers: Rev Dr Stewart Young; Dr Juliet Uytanlet Document: Letter to Pastors
Pastoral Ministry Forum 2014

Alumni and BSOP faculty at the Pastoral Ministry Forum held at Quezon City Sports Club on October 20, 2014.
The “Amoy Mission”: Lessons and Reflections
By Dr. Jean Uayan Professor or Church History The “Amoy Mission” began on February 24, 1842 on the island called Gu-langyu 鼓浪嶼 (mission records: Ku-longsu) in the province of Fujian, China. The term “Amoy” was used by the missionaries to
BSOP Downtown Course Offerings
St. Stephen’s Parish Every Saturday 9:00 – 12:00 NN First Quarter (June 14 – August 16, 2014) Old Testament 1 How to read the Old Testament (Torah and History) Second Quarter (September 20 – November 29) Youth Counseling Understanding our
Lasting Lessons from Life Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:14
By Rev Anthony Hao I like a quote from writer Ernestine Ulmer. She’s famous for her saying, Life is uncertain, eat dessert first. Many are not aware that the saying actually came from the story of a lady who loved
BSOP 55th Commencement Exercises
BSOP 55th Commencement Exercises United Evangelical Church of the Philippines Main Chapel March 30, 2014 (Sunday) 3:30pm Call us at 2926795 for more details
By Prof. Linda Tue Levi, the son of Alphaeus, to Rabbi Matthias. Blessed be the Name of our Lord who has shown mercy to us all. Thanks be to the God of our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and may
Why Do We Need Pastors?
By Dr. Thomas Robert Forster Why do we need pastors? Many years ago, I was asking myself this question. I was a young Christian, faithfully attending church, reading my Bible, growing in faith. And yet, I was wondering about the