Certificate/Graduate Diploma in Christian Ministry

This non-degree, non-professional certificate program is offered to students desiring to complete two years of residential studies on basic courses. The aim is to equip effective lay leaders in the local church. A certificate will be awarded after the student successfully fulfills all requirements in the program.

The applicant must hold a DECS recognized high school diploma with a grade point average of at least C. He/she must also have favorable recommendations from his/her pastor and other church leaders.

Online Class

Graduate Diploma Certificate in Christian Ministry
Academic Requirement
College degree or its equivalent College degree not required
Graduation Requirement
Successfully complete 36 quarter units of course work

6 Units Biblical Studies
6 Units Pastoral Ministry
6 Units Theology
6 Units Intercultural Studies
6 Units Elective
3 Units Research Methods
3 Units Field Education

Successfully complete 36 quarter units of course work

6 Units Biblical Studies
6 Units Pastoral Ministry
6 Units Theology
6 Units Intercultural Studies
6 Units Elective
3 Units Research Methods
3 Units Field Education

On Campus

First Year

First Quarter Units Second Quarter Units Third Quarter Units
Hermeneutics 3 Homiletics 3 Preaching I 2
Old Testament I 3 Old Testament II 3 Old Testament III 3
Creative Teaching Method 3 Global Missions 3 New Testament III 3
Family Ministry 3 Elective 3

[accordion autoclose=false clicktoclose=true tag=”p”][accordion-item title=”First Quarter”]
Hermeneutics – 3 Units
A study of the principles and methods of biblical interpretation. Particular emphasis is given to the development of skills in interpreting the various types of literary genres found in the Bible and applying the Scriptures in daily life and in the Christian ministries of preaching and teaching.

Old Testament I: Pentateuch – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of the content of the five books of the Old Testament (Genesis through Deuteronomy), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, literary structure, and key theological themes.

Creative Teaching Methods – 3 Units
A Study of various creative methods in Christian educational ministries in non-formal and formal settings.

Family Ministry in Asian Setting – 3 Units

A study of the Christian family, the meaning of Christian marriage and the Christian home, the church as it deals with areas as preparing young people for marriage, making family worship vital, managing money matters, in calculating Christian values and child training and discipline, and the relation of the Christian family to the church, community and society.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Second Quarter”]
Homiletics – 3 Units
A study of the principles and process involved in the preparation of expositional and other varieties of sermons. This include proper extraction of the central idea from an exegetical study of the text and moving from the central idea to sermon outline.

Old Testament II: Historical Books – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A Study of the historical books of the Old Testament (Joshua through Esther), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, literary structure, and unifying theological issues.

Global Missions – 3 Units
A study of the history and strategy of world missions with special attention tot he “un-reached peoples” group and the challenge and task of world evangelization.
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Preaching I – 2 Units
In this course, students will be introduced to the methods, techniques and styles of communication and delivery in public speaking. Under step-by-step supervision, the student will apply the skills learned in Hermeneutics and Homiletics courses to the preparation of effective sermons based on epistolary literature.

Old Testament III: Poetic Books – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of the poetic literature of the Old Testament (Job through Song of Songs), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical context, literary structure, and unifying theological themes.

New Testament III: Pauline Epistle 2 – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of Ephesians through Philemon, with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.

Second Year

First Quarter Units Second Quarter Units Third Quarter Units
Old Testament IV 3 Preaching II 2 Urban Missions 3
New Testament I 3 New Testament II 3 New Testament IV 3
Elective 3 Pastoral Ministry I 3 Pastoral Ministry II 3
Elective 3

[accordion autoclose=false clicktoclose=true tag=”p”][accordion-item title=”First Quarter”]
Old Testament IV: Prophets – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics, Historical Books)
A study of selected prophetic books with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical context, literary structure, and unifying theological themes. The office and work of the prophet is also briefly examined.

New Testament I: Gospels and Acts – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of the historical books of the New Testament (Matthew through Acts), with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Second Quarter”]
New Testament II: Pauline Epistles 1 – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of Romans through Galatians, with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.

Preaching II – 2 Units
A workshop which focuses on the methods and skills learned in Preaching I and applying them in the preparation and preaching of sermons based on prophetic and poetic genres.

Pastoral Ministry I/Pastor’s Spiritual Formation – 3 Units
A study of the spiritual formation of the pastor with special attention to the minister’s call, the cultivation of spiritual discipline, the pastor’s family, pastoral ethics, and spiritual leadership.
[/accordion-item][accordion-item title=”Third Quarter”]
New Testament IV: General Epistles – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of Hebrews through Jude, with attention to introductory and critical issues, historical and geographical context, and key theological themes.

Urban Missions – 3 Units
A Study of the nature and methods of missions in the urban context with special attention to the problems, opportunities and challenges of urban evangelism and the development and implementation of a mission strategy for urban outreach. Field trips to selected places are include.

Pastoral Ministry II/Pastoral Ministries – 3 Units
A study of the nature of pastoral ministry with emphasis to the role of the pastor. Attention is given to the minister’s spiritual leadership among the congregation and the minister’s various pastoral ministries such as preparation for preaching and worship, administration, home-visitation, teaching and other ministries.

[accordion autoclose=false clicktoclose=true tag=”p”][accordion-item title=”Electives”]
Advance Hermeneutics – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics)
A study of the development, current trends and critiques of various hermeneutical approaches and their contribution and effects on the task of exegesis.

Biblical Theology – 3 Units (Pre-requisite: Hermeneutics I, OT Book Study, NT Book Study)
An introductory study of Old Testament and New Testament theology with special emphasis on the nature, methodology, unity and diversity of biblical theology, and the key theological themes of biblical theology.