BSOP Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies
This program aims to train pastors, church workers, missionaries, future teachers, and missiologists for effective ministry in our multi-cultural world.
The MA in ICS can be a declared major, or it can be a concentration – Master of Divinity, Pastoral Ministries or Counseling with ICS concentration.

BSOP/AGST PhD in Intercultural Studies
This program aims to produce missiologists (scholars and strategists) who are competent in understanding and addressing social, cultural, and contextual realities to accomplish God’s mission through the Church and for the world.


“Contextual theology has transformed my ministry by allowing me to effectively tailor the gospel message to diverse audiences, increasing its relevance and impact across multiple cultural landscapes. This course has given me the tools I need to connect intimately with the community I serve, creating a more inclusive and resonant spiritual environment.”

– Sheryl Chan | Pastoral Studies


“Contextualize when you evangelize so that the blind open their spiritual eyes.”

– Remir Romualdo minsters to the visually impared community


“Theology is formed within specific linguistic, cultural, and situational contexts. If we neglect these factors, we cannot properly understand and apply theology.”

– Jonathan Hua Xiong | Biblical Studies


“We all contextualize but we are not always aware of it. We contextualize by using relevant illustrations and applications to communicate the gospel in such a way that every context would understand it better.”

– Kim Pancobilla | Biblical Studies


“Contextual Theology brings about a real-life application of the gospel truth communicated in diverse cultures and contexts.”

– Joseph Morionnes


“Global Mission course has taught me not only the history, theology and strategy of missions but also the passion to do missions globally.”

– Christian Wijaya

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Academic Requirements
College Degree or its equivalent
Graduation Requirements
Complete 72 Units of course work

Core Classes (51 Units)

  • 12 Units Biblical Studies
  • 12 Units Pastoral Ministry
  • 12 Units Theology
  • 12 Units Intercultural Studies/Mission
  • 3 Units Research Methods
  • Electives (21 Units)
  • 12 Units Professional Electives
  • 9 Units Minor Electives
  • Spiritual and Ministry Formation (6 Units)
  • Field Education (3 Units)
  • Mentoring (3 Units)

Each class is 3 trimestral units, except for Field Education and Mentoring which are counted as 1 unit per trimester

Professional Electives

  • Applied Anthropology
  • Asian Religions
  • Biblical Theology of Missions
  • Church Planting
  • Cults and Heresies
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Contemporary Issues in Missions
  • Diaspora Mission
  • Urban Missions
  • Christian Practice and Poverty
  • Orality
  • Church Growth and Multiplication
  • Intercultural Communications

Course Offerings

Master of Arts

2023-2024 Courses

Course Faculty Day Time
2nd Trimester
Global Missions Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey
Asian Religions Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey
3rd Trimester
Contextual Theology Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey
Models of Evangelism Dr. Jim Shockey and Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey
Church Planting Dr. Jim Shockey and
Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey

2024-2025 Courses:

Course Faculty Day Time
1st Trimester
Biblical Theology and
Christian Practice of Poverty
Dr. Rolex Cailing Aug. 5 – Oct. 25, 2024 TBA
2nd Trimester
Teach the Church to Multiply:
Church Growth and Multiplication
Dr. Jason Tan Nov. 11, 2024 – Feb. 14, 2025 TBA
Global Missions Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey Nov. 11, 2024 – Feb. 14, 2025 TBA
3rd Trimester
Cultural Anthropology Dr. Hunn Choi Feb. 24 – May 23, 2025 TBA

Doctor of Philosophy

2024-2025 Courses:

Course Faculty Day Time
1st Trimester
Biblical Basis of Missions Dr. Eun Joo Lee Aug. 5 – Oct. 25, 2024 TBA
Contextualization Dr. Joy Pring Aug. 5 – Oct. 25, 2024 TBA
2nd Trimester
Missiology Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey Nov. 11, 2024 – Feb. 14, 2025 TBA
Leadership Development and Culture Dr. Jason Tan Nov. 11, 2024 – Feb. 14, 2025 TBA
3rd Trimester
World Religions Dr. Eun Joo Lee Feb. 24 – May 23, 2025 TBA
Cultural Anthropology Dr. Hunn Choi Feb. 24 – May 23, 2025 TBA


Dr. Jason Tan

Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) in Illinois
Th.M. in Systematic Theology from Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST)-Philippines
M.Div. in missions from Alliance Graduate School (AGS).
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT).

Dr. Eun Joo Lee

Ph. D. in Intercultural Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary
Member of Theta Phi Society at Asbury Theological Seminary
M. Div. at Asbury Theological Seminary
B.A. in Christian Studies at Ewha Women’s University

Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey

Bachelor of Arts – Education, Music – University of South Carolina
Master of Church Music – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Missiology – Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Jim Shockey

Bachelor of Arts – Social Work – Baylor University
Master of Divinity – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry – Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. Ron Barber

Ph.D. Intercultural Studies
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Dr. Rolex Cailing

Ph.D. in Biblical Studies: Torch Trinity Graduate University,
ThM in New Testament: Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Korea

Dr. Hunn Choi

Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY Sep 2010 – Dec 2022
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Th.M. in New Testament
Princeton Theological Seminary
Th.M. in New Testament

Dr. Marie Joyce Pring

Ph.D. Transformational Development
Asia Graduate School Of Theology

For questions concerning the programs, please email:

Dr. Jason Tan
BSOP/AGST PhD in Intercultural Studies Program Director
Dr. Grace Lyn Shockey
BSOP Master of Intercultural Studies Program, Interim Director