Master of Theology/Doctor of Philosophy in
Biblical Studies
The program is an integrated Th.M. and Ph.D. designed to help students in Asia understand the Word of God in the original languages (Hebrew and Greek) and apply the lessons learned in the Asian context. Participants are encouraged to actively participate in the local church while pursuing theological education.
BS Program Emphasis
- Biblical Studies is an advanced program. Thus, students are expected to show maturity in scholarship and research skills.
- Biblical Studies is a research program in the Biblical languages. Thus, students are expected to show competence in Hebrew and Greek exegesis.
- Biblical Studies is a ministry program. Thus, students are expected to apply principles learned in the program while doing course work and research.
BS Program Design
- The Th.M. track is a 36 credit hour program, with a required thesis. After the initial required courses, the student may choose either Old or New Testament major.
- The Ph.D. track is a 60 credit hour program, with a required dissertation that builds on a previous Th.M. degree or course work. Before candidacy, the student is required to take comprehensive exams in Biblical studies and languages. Before doing dissertation research, the student must demonstrate proficiency in one relevant modern foreign language.
- The Ph.D. program is primarily designed for those with a Th.M. degree from AGST. A student who excels in the AGST Th.M. may proceed to Ph.D. after completing all course work and fulfilling all admission requirements to the Ph.D. program. In this case, the Th.M. degree is waived. Applicants with an M.A. or M.Div. are accepted on the basis of academic merit and standard AGST requirements. Participants pursuing a Ph.D. from an M.A. or M.Div. are expected to complete all Th.M. course work in the integrated program.
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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all AGST classes are held online and BSOP dorm is temporarily unavailable for the academic year 2020-2021.