Course Descriptions
April 2017
The Hybrid Tsinoys: Understanding Culture and Evangelism
This course is a study on past history of the Chinese in the Philippines and the present stories of the Chinese Filipinos to be able to plan future mission work among them. This course will look into the different kinds of Chinese in the country today and how cultural mixing has affected their identity and the different aspects of their lives. This course will also emphasize on how best we can evangelize and minister to them.
Story of Jesus and the Early Church (New Testament Survey 1)
To Christians worldwide, Jesus of Nazareth is the centerpiece of history, the object of faith, hope, and worship. Even those who do not follow him admit the vast influence of his life. For anyone interested in knowing more about Jesus, study of the four biblical Gospels is essential. This course is a detailed examination of what the Gospels teach about Jesus’ ministry, message, death, and resurrection. It also explores the transformation and mission of Jesus’ followers in the Book of Acts.
God’s Unchanging Word for the Modern Asian World
This class discusses the various issues of our society. Using the Ten Commandments as broad categories, we will look at the various issues the Asian churches are facing today and what can the church do in response to such issues based on scriptural principles.
Basic Bible Doctrines (Theology Survey 1)
This course is an introductive study of revelation, inspiration, and canon; God, the Trinity and creation; human nature, and sin. The students are able to grasp the importance and necessity of doctrine for the Christian life and the Church.
The Church from the Reformation to the Present (Church History 2)
This course is a basic introduction to the history of the Christian Church from the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation to the present. The course is designed to provide students with a practical knowledge of the major themes, issues and personalities of Church History to train them to use their knowledge in their ministry.
August 2017
How to Study the Bible (Hermeneutics)
Many people admire and even revere the Bible, but they simply do not understand what they read, much less how to study Scripture. This course will show how to unlock the hidden truths of God’s Word, and to discover a world where reading the Bible doesn’t just satisfy our curiosity, but changes our life.
Research and Writing
A study of concepts and procedures of basic research designed to develop skills in the preparation and writing of a research paper.
Culture and Human’s Search for Meaning
Humans are not just social beings, they are cultural beings in the first place. They construct beliefs, practices, traditions, and customs to reflect and give meanings to their lives. This class aims to help students understand human beings from an anthropological perspective and how this can help us in doing evangelism and discipleship.
Basic Bible Doctrines (Theology Survey 2)
A study of the person and work of Christ, conversion, justification, sanctification, and the work of the Holy Spirit; perseverance, the nature and mission of the church; sacraments, eschatology.
God’s Message for the First Century Churches…and to Us (New Testament Survey 2)
A brief survey of the letters and sermons in the NT (Romans-Revelation)
This course focuses on the historical setting of the various churches to whom these letters/sermons were originally written, the various issues discussed in each letter, and God’s message for us through them.
April and August Online Course Offerings