BSOP Online: Registration Open

Visit our online site for more details. Courses offered: August 2017 How to Study the Bible (Hermeneutics), Anthony Hao, ThM (Wednesdays, 7:00-10:00 P.M.) Basic Christian Doctrines (Survey of Theology 2), Dennis Yam, ThM Culture and Human’s Search for Meaning, Juliet

In August 2017

Online course offerings for August:   How to Study the Bible (Hermeneutics) Anthony Hao, ThM Tentatively, Wednesdays, 7:00-10:00 P.M. Many people admire and even revere the Bible, but they simply do not understand what they read, much less how to

April 2017 Course Offerings

Online registration is now open. Visit for more information on online courses and registration. The Hybrid Tsinoys: Understanding Culture and Evangelism This course is a study on past history of the Chinese in the Philippines and the present stories of

BSOP Online (Season 2)

Taking online courses allows you to learn whatever you want, whenever you can, and wherever you desire. Attending a class is made easier without going to the classroom. Your instructor would assign a day and time that meets your availability,

BSOP Online Course Offerings

Pastoral Leadership, Samson Uytanlet, Ph.D. Global Missions, Juliet Uytanlet, Ph.D. Folk Religions, Tan Chiu Eng, Ph.D. Apologetics, Dennis Yam, Th.M.   Is Online Learning for you? Are you self-motivated? Are you able to take initiative for learning? Are you comfortable