• Dr. Joseph Shao spoke during the 28th Anniversary of Iloilo Trinity Chris-tian Church on July 14, 2013. On Au-gust 11-18, he led a team composed of Dr. Tan Chiu Eng, Dr. Irene Tran and Dr. Michael Malessa to Indonesia to attend the Triennial General Assembly of the Asia Theological Association. He also gave the opening address entitled “Communicating the Gospel Contextually in Contemporary Asia” which is also the theme for the convention. The venue is the South East Asia Bible Seminary Ministry Center in Jakarta.
  • Dr. Michael Malessa and his family returned at the end of July after one year of furlough in Germany to re-sume his teaching ministry at BSOP.
  • Faculty and staff of BSOP attended a whole day discipleship-making semi-nar called Operation Multiplication, held at Grace Gospel Church. Speak-ers included Dr. Billie Hanks and Dr. W. Michael Wilson.
  • Baptism at 95! Prof. and Mrs. Allen Lim holding their mother Tan Ken. She celebrated her 95th birthday with the BSOP family on July 30, 2013. More joyous was her baptism by Rev. Alexander Uy, The family in BSOP, as well as believers in many churches, had been praying for decades for her to accept the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now it was a reality and we got to share the joy that transpired in heaven that day!


  • In conjunction with the mission de-partment of the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines, the Semi-nary has supported the Nehemiah Mission Project in Mariveles, Bataan. After two years, twenty-one persons have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Glory to His Name!


  • After several months of installation work supervised by Johann Xie, the students and faculty of BSOP have began to enjoy stronger Internet reception provided by the fiber optics service of PLDT.


  • Drs. Joseph and Rosa Shao have written Joel/Nahum/Malachi for the Asia Bible Commentary (ABC) series. In the same series, Dr. Joseph Shao also wrote the Contextual Application on Psalm 1-72, while Dr. Chiu Eng Tan wrote the Contextual Application for Romans. All the 3 books have been published and will be presented at the ATA General Assembly in Indonesia.
  • Alumna Ps. Juliet Lee Uytanlet, wife of Dr. Samson Uytanlet and Ph.D. candidate at Asbury Theological Seminary, has published an article entitled “Pride and Prejudice: Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in the Philippine Chinese Context: How IBS Can be a Liberating Methodology to Find the Truth to be Set Free” in The Asbury Journal 68/1:56-68.
News and Events (July to August 2013)