60th Book Giveaway

Join our 60th Book Giveaway. Each copy is signed by the author. Our first giveaway is a commentary by our president, Dr.Joseph Shao together with his wife, Rosa Shao. Kindly read the mechanics of the giveaway to join at BSOP’s

BSOP Online (Season 2)

Taking online courses allows you to learn whatever you want, whenever you can, and wherever you desire. Attending a class is made easier without going to the classroom. Your instructor would assign a day and time that meets your availability,

The Goodness of God’s Design for Marriage

Google Hangouts: https://plus.google.com/events/ca93laibovggm7ofqkpru66rqbk Youtube LIVE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpcG9R7a-pg We’re going LIVE with Dr. Iain Duguid, OT Professor at Westminster Theological Seminary Save the Date!! ♥♥ August 25, 2016, Thursday, 1PM-2PM (GMT+8) Come, join us as Dr. Iain Duguid will speak with us

BSOP Online Course Offerings

Pastoral Leadership, Samson Uytanlet, Ph.D. Global Missions, Juliet Uytanlet, Ph.D. Folk Religions, Tan Chiu Eng, Ph.D. Apologetics, Dennis Yam, Th.M.   Is Online Learning for you? Are you self-motivated? Are you able to take initiative for learning? Are you comfortable

BSOP Downtown 2nd Term 2015-2016

DOWNTOWN COURSE OFFERING Church History 1 Dr. Thomas Forster St. Stephen’s Parish September 19 – November 21, 2015 9:00 AM – 12:00 NN Course Description: THE CHURCH TO THE REFORMATION from John the Apostle to John Wycliffe We Christians have

Book Review: Redeemed by Fire

Lian Xi, Redeemed by Fire: The Rise of Popular Christianity in Modern China, New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2010. xv + 333 pp., $45.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-300-12339-5 This is a meticulously researched and carefully written book on what the