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“Make disciples of all nations” is the final marching order of our Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ, to His Church. No matter what we do, we need to influence someone to follow Christ in every area of life. We ought to be disciple-makers so that others may mature in their spiritual life and bear much fruist to the glory of God.

As we do evangelism and missions, do we make disciples?

As we teach and preach, do people follow us as we follow Christ?

Making disciples takes patience, wisdom, and sacrificial love much like rearing children.

This involves putting our time, talents, and treasures to good use in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord. May this be a fruitful year for us as we obey His marching order and experience His presence every moment of our lives.”

~ Becoming Disciple-Makers, 2015

Now Thank We All Our God – Flute and Piano (2015)