On Campus Course Offerings
Advanced Module Class A.Y. 2019 – 2020
Subject | Faculty | Date | Time |
Pastoral Ministry 1 | Dr. Samson Uytanlet | July 15-19 | 09:00am – 12:00pm 02:00pm – 05:00pm |
First Trimester A.Y. 2019 – 2020
August 5 – October 25
Subject | Faculty | Day | Time |
Advanced English | Mrs. Becky Williams | Thursday | 10:00am – 10:55am |
Amoy | Mrs. Ruth Yam | Thursday | 09:00am – 09:55am |
Doing Contextual Theology | Dr. David Lim | Tuesday | 02:00pm – 04:55pm |
English 1 | Ms. Jane Lee | Thursday | 08:00am – 08:55am |
English 2 | Ms. Jane Lee | Thursday | 09:00am – 09:55am |
English 3 | Ms. Jane Lee | Thursday | 10:00am – 10:55am |
English 4 | Mrs. Becky Williams | Thursday | 08:00am – 08:55am |
Foundations of Christian Education | Dr. Jane Chuaunsu | Wednesday | 02:00pm – 04:55am |
Global Christianity 1 | Dr. Joel Williams | Tuesday | 08:00am – 10:55am |
Hermeneutics | Elder Allen Lim | Tuesday | 08:00am – 10:55am |
Hebrew 1 | Dr. Michael Malessa | Thursday | 02:00pm – 04:55pm |
Hebrew 4 | Dr. Michael Malessa | Friday | 08:00am – 10:55am |
New Testament 1 | Dr. Samson Uytanlet | Monday | 02:00pm – 04:55pm |
Preaching Practicum 2 | Rev. Anthony Hao | Wednesday | 08:00am – 10:55am |
Research Methods | Dr. Chiu Eng Tan | Tuesday | 02:00pm – 04:55pm |
Systematic Theology 1 | Rev. Dennis Yam | Wednesday | 02:00pm – 04:55pm |
Advanced Modules
Pastoral Ministry 1
Pastor’s Spiritual Formation
A study of the spiritual formation of the pastor with special attention to the minister’s call, the cultivation of spiritual discipline, the pastor’s family, pastoral ethics, and spiritual leadership.
First Trimester Courses
Doing Contextual Theology
This course aims to enhance the capability of participants to understand and articulate the basic principles and the best practices of contextual theology.
Foundations of
Christian Education
An exploration of disciplines such as history, philosophy and theology, and how these affect education, examining these in light of God’s Word, forming a wholistic conception and practice of education.
Christianity 1
Apostolic and Medieval Church History
A study of the history of the church from the apostolic to the medieval periods dealing with its establishment, development, theological movements, and liturgy.
How to study the Bible by Yourself
A study on the basic methods in interpreting the sacred Scripture.
Hebrew 1
Elementary Hebrew
A study of Hebrew grammar and syntax.
Hebrew 4
Old Testament Book Study
An in-depth exegetical study of a selected book of the Old Testament with a view of applying the principles of Hebrew exegesis.
Practicum 2
Application of homiletical principles and actual preaching of selected texts from the New Testament.
Research Methods
A study on the various ways to do academic research and writing.
Theology 1
Basic Christian Doctrines
This course is an introductive study of revelation, inspiration, and canon; God, the Trinity and creation; human nature, and sin. The students are able to grasp the importance and necessity of doctrine for the Christian life and Church.
For more info
(02) 292-6795
Dr. Samson Uytanlet
Suzanne Li