BSOP Sportsfest 2019
BSOP Sportsfest 2019

BSOP Sportsfest 2019
Welcome to the second episode of Theology Tidbits: bite-sized theology for the next generation.
BSOP – AGST BS Course Offerings
Praise God our goal has been reached!
Welcome to the first episode of Theology Tidbits: bite-sized theology for the next generation.
Biblical Seminary of the Philippines in Partnership with Trinity Christian Fellowship Master of Arts Graduate Level Courses 2019
Just before 2018 concluded, Christianity Today honored Christian authors on its annual “Book Awards.”Upon going through the list, how I’d wished that we’re in a country that allows us to easily access those titles. There’s a good reason to acquire them for the awards are given in various categories of Christian discipline that includes Apologetics, Biblical Studies, Children and Youth, Pastoral Leadership, and many more. One title that stands out that deserves to be read is, Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World by A.J. Swoboda. Yet I still have to get hold of a copy.
Thank you for joining!
In our journey with the poor, we are confronted with material objects we are attached to. We are challenged to ask, what is it we cannot live without? The goal is not to turn into rigid stoics, or Spartans who reject luxuries or extravagance. The goal is to find our freedom. Without a community, we can have no ministry. The gospel is not just about being saved to Jesus, it also means becoming part of a community, the people of God.Join Raineer Chu as he shares his experiences and stories from his own journey with the poor. –Includes Discussion Questions for Personal Reflection or Small Group studies.
Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music from your heart to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:19 (HCSB)