Missional Spirituality: Embodying God’s love from the Inside Out by Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2011. 252pp. Paper. With an emphasis on the word “missional,” the book explores aspects of “missional spirituality.” The two authors, having
BSOP Downtown
2014 Course Offerings WORLD CHRISTIANITY We Christians have a rich heritage which spans the past 2000 years! However, it is a heritage of which few believers are aware. Church History I introduces you to the churches in the ancient and medieval periods. What
Book Review: ESV Global Study Bible
ESV Global Study Bible. Ed. J. I. Packer, Wayne Grudem, and Ajith Fernando. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway. 2012. 1984 pp. $29.99. The number of study Bibles that had been produced in the last decade or so is not few. Each one
Discipleship through Union with Christ
By Rev. Dr. Adamson Co Sometimes in the modern church, we get the impression that becoming a Christian means one must serve the Lord. Service has become the hallmark of Christian spirituality. We cannot deny that service to the Lord
News and Events (July to August 2013)
FACULTY ON MOVE Dr. Joseph Shao spoke during the 28th Anniversary of Iloilo Trinity Chris-tian Church on July 14, 2013. On Au-gust 11-18, he led a team composed of Dr. Tan Chiu Eng, Dr. Irene Tran and Dr. Michael Malessa
Book Review: Every Good Endeavor
Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work. By Timothy Keller. Dutton: New York. 2012. 287 pp. $26.95. In an era where there remains a sharp distinction between “secular profession” and “Christian vocation,” the sacred ministry and the unconsecrated
Book Review: Glorious Ruin
Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free. By Tullian Tchividjian. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook. 2012. 206 pp. $17.99. The title of Glorious Ruin caught my attention because of its seemingly inharmonious and unmelodious phrase about dealing with the
Timeless Lessons from the Earliest Christians
By Dr. Stewart Young (Director of Research) It is quite obvious that the technological innovations that have taken place over the recent past have brought unparalleled efficiency and convenience to the life of the church. Over the last decade and
BSOP Downtown
Bringing theological education to where God’s people are Good news to BSOP alumni, 50% off for continuing studies.
Why Choose BSOP for your Seminary Training?
As June approaches, new school year is about to start. A good question to ask is, why choose BSOP for your seminary training? Whether as a full-time worker or as lay leader, here are a few reasons by Dr. Jean